Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Illustration Friday - Capable

This week's theme is capable and who is more capable than the tortoise who defeated a hare in a race?* I was recently asked to illustrate some of the children's stories for the Kids Out World Stories project. It is a brilliant project and I have literally just finished these. I was so chuffed that it fitted in with the IF theme.

*Answer: No one!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Illustration Friday: Suspense

The Illustration Friday theme this week is SUSPENSE so I thought I'd do part of a story to leave you in SUSPENSE. Quite blatantly this story was inspired by Goldilocks/The Three Bears*. I couldn't quite remember the tale so had to look it up. Apparently the original story was about an ugly old woman, but was changed years later to a pretty girl with silver locks. These locks were later changed to golden and most recently changed to blue (by me!). Wikipedia what would I do without you!

*not to mention a simply brilliant bear pun